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Natural Nutrition

Published diets claiming to promote good health are many and varied. Their approaches often differ so widely that they confuse rather than clarify what we should and should not be eating. The healthiest diet is not one produced for a mass market, but one designed to meet a single individual’s needs.

What is Natural Nutrition?

It is an holistic therapy that is rooted in many centuries of

understanding the art of healing using dietary therapy and

naturopathic techniques. Naturopathic Nutritionists recognize

the need for reducing toxin exposure, cleansing the body of

residual toxins and repairing damage caused.


Look deep into nature; then you

will understand  everything

Albert Einstein

Working in three stages, Natural Nutrition offers a unique and holistic approach to health. It looks at our body’s responses to natural rhythms and cycles at a cellular level. It is about giving us back control of our own health and provides the tools, knowledge and inspiration to support, rather than suppress, the bodies own healing mechanisms.


Rather than treating areas or symptoms in isolation, Natural Nutrition treats the individual in the context of their dietary history, environment and inherited predispositions allowing a gentle detoxification of the body, creating the space for change and healing to occur.

Food rainbow for natural nutrition.jpg

The Process:

The Consultation:

During the consultation a detailed case history is taken in order to recognise any established or developing patterns and to understand your current health picture.  You will be asked questions about your health - past and present, the health of your family, your diet and any physical, emotional or environmental stressors.


We will identify foods that present a challenge or stress to the system and foods that are more appropriately matched to the individual. By monitoring the rate and type of response to the changes being made, we bring the body to a place where it is nourished, not overwhelmed, by the nutrients we give it.

After The Consultation:

You will be given a personalised programme of dietary recommendations, naturopathic techniques and lifestyle changes to reduce stress and support the body’s routes of elimination. 


We would usually book a 6 week and then a 12 week follow up appointment when some supplements may be recommended as appropriate.

Why Consult With Us?

Nutrition influences physical, emotional and mental well being.  Some foods will enhance this and others can have a detrimental effect. 


Anyone can tinker with the diet to make immediate short-term health improvements.  Such gains are welcome, but they do not treat the underlying causes or prevent disease. 


Naturopathic Nutrition uses foods, detoxification programmes and lifestyle changes to eliminate toxins, thus stimulating the body’s own natural self-healing ability for long term health. 


Naturopathic Nutritional therapists passionately believe in this focus on a long-term holistic approach rather than simplistic symptom management.

Natural Nutrition Can Help With:

Abdominal pain



Chronic Fatigue




Fluid Retention





Client Testimonials:


‘Leo is extremely professional giving reassurance and sound advice.  Her nutrition assessment was specific and sensitive and the plan she designed gave relief from IBS in a way I never thought possible.’

Joyce J, Teacher



‘Leo’s careful and thoughtful history taking and holistic consideration of my issue, helped put my symptoms in perspective. Together we began to make sense of my story and all the aspects that contributed to my current state of ill health. She worked closely with me to design a programme of dietary changes and therapeutic techniques that I could commit to and incorporate into my life. Leo’s treatment was key to my taking responsibility for my health and she provided practical information and support on how to do this. My son has seen her, my colleagues have seen her. If you have a chronic health problem, she can help you turn it around.’


LS, Psychotherapist


Familial Hypercholesterolaemia:

‘Just thought I’d let you know that I got the results today, my total cholesterol is now 6.5 mmol/L (it was 7.5). LDL is now 4.2 (was 5.1) and my HDL is 1.9 (was 2). The cholesterol/HDL ratio is now 3.4 (was 3.8).  So the cholesterol has gone down after doing the Natural Nutrition for only 4 weeks!   Thank you for the program, it appears to have worked!’

Jo L, Jewelry Designer


Dietary Support:

‘Leo really helped me to understand my diet and what my body needed.  She also picked up some very important nutritional deficiencies and helped me to deal with them. I think everyone would benefit from seeing Leo!’

Georgina S, Sustainability Consultant



‘Having dealt for a number of years with depression and anxiety, Leo’s work with Natural Nutrition brought clarity and gave me positive and practical steps towards attaining balance’

Dan G, Actor


Low Energy:

‘I found working with Leo very beneficial.  Her suggestions on diet and lifestyle were easy to follow and also very pleasant.  After only a month I find significant difference in my energy level and my ability to focus, to work and to exercise.’

Katerina R, PhD, Chemistry Tutor


Diverticular Disease:

‘Leo is an excellent health professional, she has a wonderfully reassuring manner, great wealth of knowledge and has designed a program that is successfully managing my diverticular disease enabling me to continue running my company.  This lovely lady comes highly recommended.’

Karen H, Director, Family Wellbeing Centre


Menopausal Symptoms:

‘After sticking to the program and using the techniques I finally feel as though I’m back to my old self again with fewer symptoms and much better energy levels.’

Elizabeth J, Special Education Teacher


Painful Knees:

‘Having had severe knee pain for several months/years I was amazed that after just 5 weeks of using Castor Oil packing the pain went completely.  It came back less severely just over a year later.  I used the Castor oil packs again for several weeks since then the pain has not returned.’

Janet C, Classroom Assistant



‘We had been trying to conceive for 2 years but struggled due to my PCOS. I had used several rounds of fertility medication to try and induce ovulation with no success.  After just 10 months, the Natural Nutrition program had helped me get my body back to health so that I could ovulate naturally.  We now have a healthy baby girl!’

Rebecca K, Marketing Coordinator



‘I’m so glad that I’m really feeling better now.  My belly isn’t swelling and I’m not burping anymore.  Thank you for helping me.’

Nadia B


Comprehensive Stool Testing:

'Following the Natural Nutrition program has given me a remarkable improvement in what were quite severe IBS symptoms. To discover the high levels of the Pseudomonas Aeruginosa bacteria was quite a shock, but reassuring to know that we can successfully treat this naturopathically.  I thank you again Leo for the huge part you have played in my recovery and the kind support throughout this whole process.'

Mary W, Teacher


Acid Reflux:

‘It’s fantastic – since working with your program the acid reflux has completely gone!  Thank you!’  

John R, IT Consultant


Frozen Shoulder:

'Along with the physical therapies and the Natural Nutrition my right arm is now free of any pain and much improved mobility, still to work on reaching up behind my back.  So, altogether feeling much, much better.  Last winter I would not have predicted such a recovery' 

Peter S, Retired Teacher


Acid Reflux and Constipation:

'I was suffering from terrible acid reflux and had been aggressively medicated over months to improve my health situation.  I was desperately looking to improve my health through alternative and more natural sources of medicine.  After approximately 8-10 Reflexology treatments with Leo Maria, all her amazing advice on diet and natural methods to help improve my health, I'm 95% cured.  I am now able to live life without medication and only have minimal diet control to ensure I don't suffer from reflux anymore, knowing the foods that disrupt my digestion.  What's even better is that in the process she also cured my constipation problems which I've had for the last 20 years as she well understood it was all connected.  With no doubt, I would highly recommend Leo Maria - she is a lovely person who genuinely cares about her patients and is an amazing professional.'

Andrea E, Marketing Manager


General Health Improvement:

'I have had Natural Nutrition consultations and Reiki treatments with Leo Maria and it's been so helpful.  She is very clear, warm and grounded in her approach; she offers suggestions and recipes for support of the body and only recommends supplements where necessary.  I would definitely recommend her!' 

Lyndsay S, Interfaith Minister






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